Our Services


Let us help you develop your concept design, floor plan, and exterior elevations, including detailed construction drawings for your building permit package.  

Do you want to add a deck or a garage?  Are you thinking of gutting the whole house and rebuild everything from the inside?  

Or you are scrambling a solution for the work done without a building permit?  We are able to help.

We ensure all design packages conform to current BC Building Code.

Not only we will design, document coordination and BP application submission.  We will visit the job site periodically to provide construction and building code related information to owner and builder in order to reduce deficiencies from City building inspection. 


We provide building code research and  analysis for commercial buildings for tenant improvement project.  We also provide document coordination for permit package and application submission to different Cities for different type of businesses.


14 年经验房屋设计绘图, 市政府房屋检查, 工商业检查, 建筑许可证图纸审批. 专营建筑许可证绘图: 独立屋, 双连屋, 独立车库, 房屋加建, 商店, 办公室, 餐馆, 酒牌.建筑许可证绘图服务, 建筑规范咨询, 施工规范(BC Building Code) 查询.

按客户要求设计房屋,商店装修, 符合BC省房屋规范 (BC Building Code),市政府土地规划和开发附例(Zoning and Development by-law)。原图, PDF AutoCAD 重绘, 3D 外观图​​.